2023 speaker bios

  • Dr Jeffrey Arthurs

    June 30 - 10:00 am

    Dr Arthurs passion is preaching, and he uses his wide-ranging experience as a teacher, pastor, missionary, director, announcer, and consultant to equip others for more effective proclamation of the Word. He is the Robinson Professor of Preaching and Communication at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, South Hamilton, MA. His books reflect his love of preaching and communication: Preaching with Variety, Devote Yourself to Public Reading of Scripture, Preaching As Reminding, and Preaching Narrative. Dr. Arthurs has been married for more than forty years and enjoys playing tennis and disc golf with his wife, Liz. They have one son.

  • Pastor Juan saa

    July 7 -  10:00 am

    Pastor Juan Saa and his wife Ana have been serving at the LifeWay church since it's beginning in 2000.  He started out as a worship leader, and accepted God's calling as Lead Pastor in 2004.  Having come to the US from their home country of Columbia, their passion for God and His word, prayer and people is not only evident in the ministry, but in every area of their lives.

  • Rev. Dave Ripper

    july 14 - 10:00 AM

    Dave serves at the lead pastor of Crossway Christian Church in Nashua and Milford, NH and as the chaplain of the Boston Bruins.  Dave and his wife, Erin, have three kids.  Dave is trying to hike all 48 of NH’s 4,000 foot mountains.


  • Dr Bryan Wilkerson

    July 21 - 10:00 am

    Bryan has served as Senior Pastor at Grace Chapel, Lexington, MA since September 2020.  He holds a Doctor of Ministry degree from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary.  Bryan’s life mission statement is “to lead as many people as possible to a joyful and growing relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church”.  He is passionate about communicating God’s truth with clarity, warmth, and relevance to our daily lives.

  • Pastor Mark Clarke

    July 28 - 10:00 am

    Mark is pastor of Grace Bible Church of Port Charlotte, FL.  He is a graduate of Clearwater Christian College with a BA in Bible and a Master’s in Intercultural Studies at Wheaton College.  He has served Grace Bible for many years. 

  • Rev Justin Nash

    August 4 - 10:00 AM

    Justin is the Executive Director of the Advent Christian General Conference.  He is an excellent communicator and previously served as Director of Communication for the ACGC.  Justin holds a Bachelor Degree in Communication and a Master Degree in Theological Studies. 


  • Pastor Marc Swenson

    august 11 - 10:00 AM

    Marc gave his heart to Jesus at a young age and was called into ministry following college. He has served in vocational ministry since 2000 as a youth pastor, church plant pastor, and Mentoring Director. In 2010 he joined the staff at FCCO as the Associate Pastor. He loves to teach and preach God’s word, finds joy in watching people grow in Christ, and is directly responsible for overseeing the Adult Ministries at the church. One of his favorite verses is 2 Corinthians 5:17, “If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.” The Swenson’s have four children, Hannah, Noah, Willow, and Asher.

  •                       Pastor Jared Cassidy

                       august 18 - 10:00 AM

    Jared is pastor of Alton Community Church of Alton, NH.  

  •                         Rev Larry Taylor

                        August 25 - 10:00 AM

    Larry Taylor was ordained as a minister of the Gospel in 1976 by Grace Chapel, Lexington, MA.  He retired in 2014 after a 51 year career in education as a teacher and administrator in Christian Schools.  He is serving as campground pastor this summer.


  •                        Rev. Willie batson

                        september 1 - 10:00 am

    Willie Batson inspires his audience with practical information that challenges individuals and couples to work together through relational issues with a Christ-centered approach.  Willie brings both humor and practical wisdom to his presentations.